Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Tuesday Picture

I meant to do this Monday, but ah well.

Every so often, I get a really good picture off, or find something that's completely worth photographing. So here's the photo, with comment.

Today my tire went flat. I leave work and by the time I turn my 2nd of 5 corners, I can tell something is seriously wrong. Shimmy shimmy, shake shake, pull over into a park to find my front driver's side smoking. I could have sworn I saw flame, but it might have been my imagination.

I grab the jack and tire iron and get to work. After a couple minutes, I'm puffing pretty hard and the snow's really coming down. I decide to walk, just a few feet, to catch my breath and saw a truck which obviously hadn't moved for a while, with it's back door open. I walk up to it and find that note. I go back to the car, take a picture of the note - ta da.

I finally got home about 6:45 after spending $70 on a new tire.

Upon downloading the picture, it makes me wonder why the author of the note didn't take care of the mouse themselves. Yet another mystery.

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