Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Why I Haven't Been Posting A Lot

I'm currently teaching two college classes, which is beyond bizarre given the fact I don't have much of a mind on me. I'm working on it, but I was always the guy who knew a little about a lot instead of a lot about a little, which is sort of what they look for in academia. I'm teaching a journalism class and an intro to film studies class at two different local colleges in this area.

It takes some time, so blogging suffers. At the same time, I think teaching an adult set is something I'm really kind of falling for. Why you ask?

1. It's an ego trip to be the guy who knows the most about a particular subject in the room.
2. It's an environment ripe for experimentation. I consider it a challenge and a mission to keep students from nodding off. So far, so good thanks to a mix of media, movie clips, the occasional curse word, personal stories and an animated teaching presence.
3. The pay and the hours spent make this a pretty kick-ass part time job.
4. Teaching is, in some respect, is the act of transferring enthusiasm and knowledge. In my short time I find the two to be different but equally important.

It's also cool to tell people you're a professor. There's something to that.

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