Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Anticipation, Redux

Part of me is dreading the upcoming "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull." My friend Chad pointed out, quite correctly that the movies maintain a law of diminishing returns. If the trend holds, the flick will be the worst of the four (don't get me started on "Temple of Doom," my favorite of the series but a film that, I will concede, is inferior to "Raiders of the Lost Ark" in every conceivable way).

I'm dreading it because, from the sound of things, it's just going to get goofy - aliens, bastard children with goofy names, Ray Winstone (whom I love, BTW). But I'm actually getting up early tomorrow so I can watch the first trailer on Yahoo Movies. I'm not sure when it will be posted, but if I can catch it before work, I'm gonna do it.

The trailer has already been spoiled all over the web, but I still can't wait. If the character is about anything, it's about myth, so I don't feel so terribly guilty about desperately wanting to see Harrison Ford back in the fedora.

Also, this poster would completely kick ass if the same artist hadn't already done the Star Wars prequels, which bring memories of the evil George Lucas, not the good one who pitched "Indiana Smith" to Steven Spielberg on the beach. Still, Cate Blanchet looks spectacular as a commie dominatrix, and once that theme starts playing, I'm sure all will be forgotten.


atomicweightofcheese said...

It was teh awesome.

Asinine Army said...

Have you heard about the pants controversy? Apparently, the MPAA made Spielberg edit out the guns, and so you've got a shot of the movie with goofy wavy lines because they CGI'd out the guns.

The MPAA sucks so much.