Monday, April 28, 2008

Summer Movie List No. 7 - X-Files: I Want To Believe

If this summer has a theme, it's "movies we never thought we'd see." After an absence of almost a decade from the Silver Screen, the reality of a sequel to X-Files: Fight The Future seemed about as likely as the Smoking Man actually being dead. If you told me 15 months ago we'd be seeing an Indiana Jones sequel, another Hulk movie and an X-Files movie in one summer, I'd advise less prescription drugs and more attention to industry trends.

Yet, here's Mulder and here's Scully and on July 25th, here's the sequel. Wonders may never cease, and that's reason enough to look forward to the flick.

A couple other reasons - At it's prime, "The X-Files" was a fantastic show and since the last few seasons sucked kind of hard despite Robert Patrick's noble efforts, that fact can get lost in the shuffle. Truth is, the show was original, the show was full of charisma and the show had a mean streak that sometimes pushed the envelope of what you could show on TV. Look no further than The Fluke episode as proof...or Little Green Men...or the one with the red glowing eye beasts...or the episode aboard the Queen Mary...or, or, or.

The first movie, while not spectacular, was a solid piece of entertainment in my estimation, and I'm expecting nothing but solid from this flick. Call me crazy, but going in with middling expectations sometimes makes a good movie great. Also, call it a hunch, but I think David Duchovny is due. He abandoned Mulder out of boredom and I think he now realizes what a gem he had on his hands as an actor, and is ready to plow ahead full steam.

A nice, spooky, empty thrill type of movie that aspires for better things is just what the late summer sometimes orders. I think "X-Files" will fit that bill. And, Gillian Anderson continues to be hot.

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