Saturday, May 24, 2008

Hey, that's me!

To set the scene: I was at work, running an errand in my car with "Filmspotting" playing on my iPod. The rain starts to really pour, and the errand I'm running involves paper, so I pull over into an empty parking lot and sit for a minute to see if the rain will let up.

Adam and Matty are going on about Speed Racer and then "Born Into Brothels," a movie I'm interested in seeing and a flick that ties in with their Top 5 photography movies. Then, they say my name and read an e-mail I sent them weeks ago.

Cool. I'll post the clip later (I'm a bit pressed for time right now and don't want to fight with Blogger about how to upload audio), but it was very cool. Filmspotting is a great podcast and I was really jazzed to be on it. It left me feeling good all day.

1 comment:

atomicweightofcheese said...

Hey that's you! :) You're right, Filmspotting's a cool podcast! Good job getting your email read out on it. I'm looking at that movie in my queue as we spe- er, type.