Monday, March 24, 2008

Picture Monday - Creepy Trailer Guy

One of the parts of my job that's both somewhat demoralizing and completely fascinating is the trade shows I have to attend. The demoralizing part comes in when you realize you're spending time as a professional manning a booth at a trade show. The fascinating part comes when you see stuff like this.

What in. the. hell. were they thinking when they designed this? I have three ideas.

1) "Hey guys, lets design a mascot even worse than the Michelin Man."

2) "We want them to love the camper, so lets make him lovable! No, it won't bother people that they're living inside him. No, it's not creepy at all. Ted, look, it will work, OK?"

3) "Hey, look at what my kid drew. Let's use it as a mascot!"

It's all I can come up with, as no self respecting design person would waste ink, let alone paper on this idea.

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