Sunday, March 30, 2008

The Wicker Comedy Continues

In order to give the full effect of this next bit, you need the background here:

The Wicker Man, the Niel LaBute re-make of the "classic" horror film starring Christopher Lee came out about two years ago to collective yawns. The thing of it is, the movie, which I finally saw about two months ago, missed "interesting failure" by a good ring and a half. A nip or a tuck here, and I would respect LaBute, one of the most interesting voices currently working on stage and screen (he seems to either REALLY hate women, or REALLY hate men who hate women, I haven't decided which yet, but misogyny is his topic and dammit, he tackles it) for giving voice to something different, while I laughed at it behind his back.

The movie is wide the mark, however, and it deserves our laughter. The scenes above are funny out of context, but in context they don't lose their comedic punch. I can't think of a situation where Nicolas Cage punching a woman while wearing a bear suit would elicit anything other than giggles from an audience.

Which is why I was so delighted that the Internets have yet to let The Wicker Man die. There's comedy to be mined! Hence, this video:

Brilliant. Walking on Sunshine was an inspired choice.

It makes me want to cut my own comedy trailers out of serious flicks. If I have time, I'll give it a shot.

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