Thursday, March 13, 2008

Tap Tap. Who's There? Suicidal Cardinal. Suicidal Cardinal Who?

I have mirrored glass in my office which makes for some pretty interesting spring and summer afternoons. Like today.

For a good half hour, this cardinal attacked my window while I was trying to work. I put up a white piece of paper to scare it away (a trick that's worked before) but this was a persistent little pecker. I took the paper down and figured, what the hell, let's get a blog post out of it.

The funny thing is, he's still here, pecking pecking pecking. It's an amazingly colored bird but it either must want to die or is really keen on fighting with another bird. Really keen.

This reminds me of the first day I came to work, out the same window, two ducks decided to have sex in the grass right outside the door. It was my own personal Donald and Minnie peep show and...


I gotta go kick some cardinal ass.

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